Entries by Westies Webmaster

Loch 27 Time Trail results

Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1. Rod Fleming 20:21 21:26 2. Drew Carr 16:22 21:37 3. Ronnie Maceachen 22:07 22:07 4. Arran Horne 17:27 22:14 5. Alistair Boyer 21:29 22:20 6. Dan Gates 21:38 22:42 7. Amanda Gibson 22:24 22:55 8. Daniel Williams 18:37 22:58 9. Theo Jaeger 21:59 23:03 10. Jamie Ferguson 20:08 23:24

In the dark handicap

Crisp conditions for the handicap. Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1. Evan Griffiths 32:29 49:28 2. Wiebke Lammers 49:29 49:34 3. Mark Martin 49:30 49:35 4. Ella Foreman 32:35 50:35 5. George Phillips 29:04 51:03 6. Scott Henderson 32:50 51:51 7. Dan Gates 41:01 52:08 8. Madeleine Orla Davis 39:12 52:12 9. James Bryson 35:42

First time trial of 2024

Results for Feburary 2024 Time Trial Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1. Hadyn Murray 17:42 22:42 2. Clodagh Mangan 21:08 23:08 3. Ronnie MacEachen 23:25 23:26 4. Donald Waters 17:24 23:50 5. Drew Carr 16:43 24:30 6. Hamilton Semple 24:34 24:34 7. Kal Sandhu 21:44 24:44 8. Morag Casey 23:47 24:48 9. Scott Henderson 17:06

Simon Trigger Handicap

Results from the 2023 Simon Trigger Handicap. Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1. Tom Gosling 49:39 1:01:39 2. Gregor Stuart 42:57 1:02:56 3. Iain Mabon 1:00:04 1:03:08 4. Andrew Fullwood 1:04:28 1:04:28 5. Clodagh 58:02 1:05:02 6. Paul Foster 54:53 1:07:53 7. George 49:55 1:08:55 8. Duncan Campbell 57:55 1:08:58

First time trial of 2023

The stars and swans added to the magic of tonight’s Time Trial! Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1. Kira Samide 24:10 26:22 2. Gillian Irvine 28:05 28:05 3. Amanda Gibson 22:20 29:33 4. Alice Tirbooma 21:30 29:43 5. Ian Mabon 21:21 26:44 6. Rob Lowe 18:14 28:27 7. Robert Bell 21:58 29:12 8. Zak Mohammed

Lock 27 Time Trial

Clodagh takes top spot in the August edition of the time trial. Chris Bulter took the fastest time on the night. Pl. Name Chip Time Handicap 1 Clodagh Mangan 21:34 21:34 2 Emer Cummingham 21:29 22:29 3 James Bryson 18:19 22:39 4 Tom Angel 19:42 22:42 5 Dan Gates 22:46 22:47 6 Robert Bell 22:11