Dunbartonshire Cross Country

Maryhill Park, 27th November 2010ResultsA new competition has emerged from the weekend's snowy cross country ... spot the colour that is not included in Gibbie's thermal leggings! These rainbow leggings and many other thermal togs were donned…

National Cross Country Championships

20th February 2010 Results | Photos (women's race) | Photos (men's race) Glorious sunshine and great running conditions greeted the participants at Falkirk's Callendar Park, for what turned out to be another enjoyable mudfest. The women's race…

Scottish 4k CC Champs Bellahouston

2 Westies turned out for the Scottish 4k CC Championship race at Bellahouston. yesterday and the conditions were a bit cold but dry with no significant wind. I met Cap'n Chris prior to the race and he reliably informed me that the field predominantly…

West District Cross Country Relays

10th October 2009Christine, Deborah and Ellie had a great autumnal afternoon out, taking turns jogging around some muddy school fields in Stepps.Ellie did well for the first 200 metres, keeping hot on the heels of the whipper-snapper crop topped,…

Glen Almond

Ian & I off for another excellent trail. "Make it short for ...." 23.5.09One car at Ardtalnaig (south Loch Tay) and another at start of The Sma Glen. A mere 15 miles this time,hhhmmm. Our weather was overcast to getting worse,…

Dunbartonshire Cross Country Relays

Andy Triumphs in Codgers Close CallAndy Freer ran a fine race at the Dunbartonshire Relays at Garscube Estate, edging out Drew Turnbull and Ian Struthers in a close run battle and setting up Dave Calder on the last leg to sneak Westies B Team…

braid hills cross-country

until manny actually does the braid hills x-c race can we have no more jibes about running around football pitches!I was the only westies runner among the many fresh faced university runners with a smattering of vet competitors.the hill was…

National Cross Country Relays

1983 22nd octoberThe relays (4 x 2½) were held at the Jack Kane centre in Edinburgh. Course through varied terrain - football pitch, stubble, soft paths, weather dry but chilly. Course reasonably dry underfoot.The following extract is…

National Cross Country Championships

My 20th run at "The Nationals" and still bloomin' hard work, I really should stop one year - give me the Carnethy Hill Race any day! 3 laps of Callander Park in Falkirk - not too much mud, hardly any hills (110 metres ascent) but lots of slow…

Dunbartonshire Cross Country Relays, 20th October 2007

In the end we had a good turnout of 9 men and 3 women racing at Garscube on a fine Autumnal afternoon. Don, Steffen, Nigel & David R made up the men's 1st team, finishing about 6th overall, with Hamilton, JD, Simon and Paulo making up the…